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Fiya Restaurant is Open

Fiya Restaurant Chicago: Chef Liad Rozgovich behind the wood fire oven at the central island in the dining room.
Chef Liad Rozgovich Behind the Wood Fire Oven

Owners Mindy Friedler and Mark Bires have a clear vision for their new Andersonville restaurant, Fiya : a melting pot of Israeli cuisine, with diaspora influences from the Middle East, Europe, and the Mediterranean. We helped them realize the vision.

We shaped the new dining room central island to reference a ship, with the bow facing the street. The new island is the heart of Fiya's customer experience, with a wood fire oven and simple, geometric pendants over the central action, surrounded by seating facing the food preparation. Colors and surfaces reference the Middle East and the Levant - earthy exposed masonry, vibrant blue, and stark white relating to the Bauhaus Modernist tradition of Tel Aviv.

Fiya Restaurant: boat and ship metaphor at the central island in the dining room.
Boat Metaphor at the Central Island

Chef Liad Rozgovich developed a broad, international menu with unique pairings - beef brisket on humus, chicken schnitzel pita sandwiches, unusual savory and sweet pastries prepared in the wood oven.

Fiya is a great addition to Andersonville. The huge outdoor patio and craft bar create an enjoyable, relaxing experience.

Fiya Restaurant Chicago secluded back outdoor patio in the Andersonville neighborhood of Chicago.
The Best Secluded Outdoor Patio in Andersonville

Fiya Restaurant Chicago: Low seating north of the island; Chef Liad is behind the wood fire oven.
Low Seating North of the Island

Fiya Restaurant Chicago: The fire wood oven within the dining room island.
The Wood Fire Oven

Fiya Restaurant Chicago: view from the outdoor patio looking toward the dining room island.
View from the Outdoor Patio Looking Toward the Island


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