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A Summer with Berman Design - Chicago Office

Internship Experience @ Berman Design- Chicago Office

This summer I was once again given the opportunity to come back to Chicago and work for Berman Design.

Khepri Cafe, Berman Design
Emmaleigh, Joel, and Basam at Khepri Cafe Grand Opening

What I love about working at Berman is the diverse scope of tasks that I am given. One day I’ll work on redesigning a commissary kitchen or existing conditions and the next I'll be working on website design and social media. Everyday at the morning meeting we coordinate with everyone and divide up work and update each other on our projects.

Team Collaboration, Berman Design, Joel Berman, Ryan Davis, Daily Call
Team Collaboration during morning meeting on Google Meet

Working in the office has taught me the importance of organization for effective collaboration. I have learned to be better at labeling, file organization, and passing on instructions for my peers to work on projects after me. I have also grown more proficient using cad programs and with creating architectural sets based on the needs of the client. These are some of the critical skills that make the Berman Design team capable of delivering quality work.

A highlight of the summer was being able to stay at the Swedish American Museum during the last part of the summer which was a blessing and I am grateful for Joel’s connection and the museum's willingness to host me. I was able to simply walk across the street for work everyday. Which meant there was no excuse for tardiness!

Mark Moreno, Joel Berman, Basam M., Chicago, Berman Design
Meeting with Joel and Professor Mark Moreno at the Chicago Riverwalk

Apart from learning and getting experience I have had a great experience working with Joel. This summer when I got into a car accident and broke a few bones Joel helped me get back on my feet and I was able to continue my summer internship despite having broken my right hand and left clavicle. I am extremely grateful to be a part of the Berman family and look forward to a future here in the Chicago office. 

- Basam M. El Sayed G.


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